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02 December 2009

Seven Deadly Sins of an Office Romance

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Maybe you've noticed just how sexy the new office manager is, or your flirtation with the slightly nerdy accountant is suddenly being reciprocated. Or you find yourself thinking of pink slips but not the kind that signifies a layoff. Perhaps you've even started dating someone from your (gasp) office. Though plenty of office romances do turn into lasting relationships (heck, even permanent relationships), there are a number of things you need to be ready for before you say yes to dating that co-worker.
There are dozens of positive aspects to dating a co-worker such as; automatically sharing common interests, a sounding board for complaints about that irritating co-worker, and lunchtime getaways for a quick, but refreshing, nooner. But there are also challenges to consider. Check out this list of the seven deadly sins of an office romance and make sure you can handle these things before responding to a coworker's e-mail about that romantic-sounding lunch.
  1. Sure you were the best candidate Date someone from your office and you're bound to be tagged with this line at one point in your career. Instead of hearty congratulations for your latest promotion, you're bound to hear nagging whispers questioning your qualifications. Is your romantic half the hiring manager, or worse, your new boss? If so, double the innuendoes. And save your breath trying to explain that this is the position that you've had your eyes on for the past three years ago.
  2. .Playing hooky gets a whole lot harder Want to stay at home together to enjoy breakfast in bed, a roll in the hay, and a walk in the park? No more calling in pretending to be sick to get away for the day. It suddenly takes coordination! Your stories have to match. Your excuses have to be plausible. And the worst thing of all? You have to endure the purple-haired secretary on the 12th floor when you make your call''Oh really?? Funny, Ms. Jones [pause for significance] called in sick today also. I certainly hope you both [another pause] feel better soon.'
  3. Memories last way too long Its incredible how the office gossip can't remember where she put the file you desperately need, but won't forget that you dated Christine nearly two years ago. A simple, short-lived romance that is long over becomes part of company lore. If your former squeeze makes a fool of himself by drinking too much at the company party, this reflects on your taste in men. Never mind that you had the sense to dump the guy over a year ago. They won't remember that part. If you don't want your secretary to know that you snore after lovemaking, then dating someone at the office isn't for you.
  4. Getting caught in an [ahem] awkward situation Everyone's had that fantasy about having sex on the conference room table. Well, now that you're dating someone at the office, you actually have the opportunity to give it a whirl. What a dream come true! Everything is going along swimmingly (and steamily) until the VP makes a surprise appearance back at the office. Unfortunately, you'll both have to face this guy on Monday morning. And you have all weekend to worry about it.
  5. But honey, I was just flirting! Some folks, while not intending to cheat on their beloved, get a boost to their self-esteem by a simple, old-fashioned game of flirting with someone else. Some folks are just plain on-the-lookout for someone better. When you're working with your current flame, this browsing process becomes a little trickier. 'What? No honey, that wasn't my I'm really attracted to you' laugh! It was my 'gee, you're funny laugh. Honestly!'
  6. Lack of privacy You have not yet decided that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person you are dating. When dating someone from your office, however, the time commitment can make it seem like that decision's been made for you. You wake up together. Drive to and from work together. Eat lunch together. Pass each other in the halls. Instead of spending hours hashing over your mate's good and bad points with your best bud at work, you have to be cautious on the subject. You never know who's listening and will report back to your significant other.
  7. Potential for embarrassment is high Due to stress, proximity, and sheer quantity of hours together, you have increased the potential for embarrassing things to happen to you both. I have a former co-worker who was engaged to another manager. Using the company's email system, he composed the following sweet message: 'Hi sweetie. I hope you had an okay trip over to the other office. I'm thinking about you, and love you so much! I'll see you tonight at dinner. XOXO, Mike.' The response he received? 'Hello Mike. That was really sweet of you to think of me. I don't think we were scheduled to come over for dinner tonight but I'll look into it. I will pass your message on to Kathy when she arrives here for our meeting. Sincerely, Michelle, your boss.' You guessed it; he hit the wrong key and received a 'love letter' back from his boss, the CEO. True story.

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Tips to Remember

  1. Do not put yourself down. If you are insecure about your weight, for example, just be honest about it without resorting to self-criticism. Some people prefer your body type, even if you would prefer yourself a few pounds lighter.

  2. If you are from another part of the world, make mention of that fact. It gives you and your potential matches something to talk about, and for many people it makes you more intriguing.

  3. Mention the internal qualities that are most important for you. If you have learned particular lessons from previous relationships, work that information into the section What (You're) Looking For.

Quick Tips

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