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12 December 2009

When a Crush Takes Over All Thought

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Crushes tend to take over all of your thought life. It's time to focus.

Whether you are in the office, gym, or simply staring at someone from across the way, your heart can feel as if it wants to swallow someone instantly. The more you get to know this person, he or she may invade your every thought. It can often feel like you have the disease called a one-track mind. Your actual diagnosis may be that you have a crush. In such a state, losing focus at work and dreaming about where you would rather be with this certain person can happen frequently. Have you ever felt out of touch with your surroundings while driving and unable to remember what you just passed or exactly where you might be headed? More than likely, this happened when your thoughts were deeply focused on someone your heart was throbbing for. Be aware that our hearts have great power over our actions, and that this can be a mixed blessing.

Have you had daydreams that this person was involved in every facet of your life? During a crush we often wonder what it would be like to have this person constantly by our side, regardless of what we may be doing. In the beginning stages of crush-hood, our thoughts are uniformly positive. The object of our desire is placed on a pedestal of sorts and often pictured in an ideal manner. This idolization may cause future hurt if they do not live up to expectations.

While trying to maintain a realistic perspective, cherish the dream while it exists, as it will motivate you more than ever. Being motivated towards this new love for which you have fallen head over heels, can allow you to accomplish things you may not have been encouraged to do previously. Things like running or working out at the gym seem more important than ever because we want to look and feel our best. It is natural to want to impress the person of interest. When our hearts start pattering, we consider new ways that we may capture their heart and attention. The mind begins to anticipate and plan every move before we can live it out. We often wish time would fly by and advance the relationship to a higher level. A word of advice; enjoy each day as the relationship develops for that is half the fun of climbing the hill together.

You may become disappointed if your thoughts do not turn into action as planned. One thing in life that can be confusing is that we are taught from a very young age that we can have or accomplish anything if we work hard enough. Parents, however, often neglect to mention that this does not always hold true when considering other human beings and their emotions. If things go sour between you and the person you have a crush on, or they end up not returning your affections, then think of it as if you were just saved! Chances are there was a good reason for the relationship faltering. There would have been more pain in the future if it had not been discontinued as early as possible. Realizing this truth will enable you to open up more easily to wonderful experiences in the future. Even though it may seem like the end of life, others will soon capture your heart again. One merely has to allow it to happen.

Your future dreams are important, but live in the moment when it comes to relationships with friends or lovers. Every minute we are given in life we should be thankful, even when you are not with the person consuming your every thought. When one is not exactly where he or she desires, remember that a moment passed may not be relived. I have been guilty in the past of acting depressed when I was with a friend, when I would have really rather been somewhere else with my new found love. I had to stop and remind myself that by acting so distracted I might have been hurting the feelings of the person I was currently accompanying. There is always something to be learned in every circumstance. Make sure you do not have on blinders and enjoy the simplest things life has to offer. With that in mind, remember to follow your heart for it knows what your soul desires, but be aware not to get so engulfed or entangled with your emotions that you forego balance in life and lose what it has to offer.

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Tips to Remember

  1. Do not put yourself down. If you are insecure about your weight, for example, just be honest about it without resorting to self-criticism. Some people prefer your body type, even if you would prefer yourself a few pounds lighter.

  2. If you are from another part of the world, make mention of that fact. It gives you and your potential matches something to talk about, and for many people it makes you more intriguing.

  3. Mention the internal qualities that are most important for you. If you have learned particular lessons from previous relationships, work that information into the section What (You're) Looking For.

Quick Tips

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